Material Fields
The following fields are found on the Material/Entity/Task panel:
- Search By: Select a way to search for material.
- Storeroom: Select which storeroom to issue the material from.
- Keyword: Enter a keyword to search by. This field only shows when Name or Predefined is selected from the Search By drop-down list.
- Find: Click to find material based on the keyword.
- Select Crew: Select the crew to add material from. This field only shows when Crew is selected from the Search By drop-down list.
- Select My Crew: Select the crew to add material from. This field only shows when My Crew is selected from the Search By drop-down list.
- Select: Click this icon once you have selected a material from the hierarchy. This icon only shows when Hierarchy is selected from the Search By drop-down list. Click Cancel to not select a material.
- Assets: Select to view assets that can be associated to the material.
- Tasks: Select to view task that can be associated to the material.
- Highlight Selected Assets: Click to highlight the selected assets on the map.
The following fields are found on the Details panel:
- Date: Enter a date or select it using the calendar icon.
- Account: Select an account to associate the material to. The contents of this list are populated by the administrator in Designer under Preferences > Custom Codes > GLACCOUNT.
- Units: Enter the number of units.
- Add: Click to add the material to the work order.
The following fields are found on the Contractor Material panel:
- Contractor: Select the contractor.
- Id: Enter the ID of the material.
- Description: Enter a description of the material.
- Date: Enter a date or select one using the calendar icon.
- Account: Select an account to associate the material to. The contents of this list are populated by the administrator in Designer under Preferences > Custom Codes > GLACCOUNT.
- Units: Enter the number of units used.
- Cost: Enter the cost of all the material used.
- Add: Click to add the material to the work order.
- Copy: Click to copy the material information to the contractor.